Hi, I am a 2-year, former Empower House student.
The naturalization ceremony took place this summer, and I can’t properly describe the joy and excitement I felt throughout the process. It’s probably because I fled North Korea without receiving a proper citizenship.
As I held my hand to the chest and sang the Star-Spangled Banner, I was filled with pride and honor to become a US citizen. One dismaying fact was not having my parents to witness the ceremony, but I’m sure one day we will be united and live comfortable, happy lives together.
I remember my first day here in the US, when I felt God’s blessing in this country as many refugees found shelters and assistance. With knowing only two English words, “hello” and “thank you”, I started a new life as a first generation North Korean refugee. Now, I strive to live a better life working and studying with the citizenship and precious freedom I attained in the States.
I thank God for giving many generous people who continue to support me and other North Koreans. I am ever more assured that God will always be the hope for our people, and one day he will use us to change North Korea.
I also want to thank ENoK, especially its legal counsel, and all of the Empower House volunteers that made the citizenship possible!